Parents, for bringing me to this world, for raising me and giving me your unconditional love and encouragements to overcome adversities.
Wife, for your love, friendship, support, humor, wit, talent, inspiration and for being an amazing mother, Bubbe, wife and friend.
Daughter, Son and Son-in-Law, for teaching me patience and the many things I never knew, your love and devotion.
Grandkids, for being the most precious gift life could offer and for making me realize that our future is bright and in better hands.
Family, for the special growing moments together.
Teachers, for providing me the tools of how to learn and the enthusiasm to pursue my interests.
Brilliant minds throughout history, for your courage, intelligence and inspiration to make this a better world, to give me the opportunity to share in its continuing challenges for growth and improvement.
Advisers, for pushing me to reach the next level.
Spiritual Leaders, for helping me better understand the mysteries of life.
Clients, for your patronage and trust and for teaching me and helping me to learn more than I thought possible.
Team, for helping me create amazing innovations to the betterment of our clients and to constantly Raise the Barr®.
Friends, for your caring and sharing of special moments, for helping shape me into the person I’ve become and empowering me to live an extraordinary, fulfilling life.
Military Service, for teaching me the importance of hard work; physically and ethically and the eternal quest for peace.
Homeland, Israel and USA, for allowing me to live the life of my dreams.