Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
One of my favorite words is instantiation or to instantiate. Its meaning is to make the complex simple. My opinion is that we are all guilty (self included) at creating too much complexity in our life and business. Occam’s Razor theory suggests that of any set of explanations for an event occurring, it is most likely that the simplest one is the correct one.
I work with some of the smartest individuals in the world. Yet, one of the key challenges they face and struggle with is how to take their ideas, experiences and wisdom, stored in their heads, and convert them into their intellectual property that manifests itself it in a variety of media formats. Although, for many, this seems almost as an insurmountable mountain to climb, by taking baby steps the solution becomes rather simple:
Through the power of instantiation, sharing your intellectual property and taking action, you are now well on your way to create and strengthen your digital footprint and global thought leadership.
No matter where you are in your journey for Creating Global Digital Empires® and for impacting the world, there should always be room for Raising the Barr®.
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