Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
This week’s reflection point: Earlier today, I had a terrific conversation with Dan Pink, NYT and WSJ bestselling author of books I highly recommend: To Sell is Human, Drive and A Whole New World. Dan is our featured VIP guest for our new electronic magazine, which is scheduled to debut in conjunction with the upcoming launch of our new site for The Chad Barr Group.
During our conversation, we discussed topics such as: why right brainers are going to rule the world, how to leverage intrinsic motivation, ideas to stimulate creativity and artistry in the workplace, abundance thinking and more.
We both agreed that successful thought leaders are prolific publishers of great content while they effectively create their own unique digital empires, which are concepts I’ve been asserting for years.
Having a thought-provoking conversation is a great way to challenge our thinking, increase our published content, and improve the insights we share with our audience.
Stay tuned for the launch of our amazing new site, our monthly digital magazine, other treats, and my full interview with Dan.
This week’s tip: Engage in thought-provoking conversations and then share and leverage.
Raising the Barr is a weekly memo, which is always pithy, powerful and succinct. It focuses on innovative ideas by maximizing your life and business while leveraging strategy, content, technology and the web, to help you transform the success.
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