Are You Asking The Right Questions? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 42

This week’s reflection point: I am here at the Breakers, West Palm Beach, participating in Alan Weiss’s Thought Leadership Symposium, surrounded by 20 of some of the smartest and most successful minds in the world. Yesterday’s special guest was Randy Gage who successfully provoked us into thinking differently by his unique presentation style and today’s presenter is Daniel Pink, which should be just outstanding. One of the statements made by Randy Gage that caught my attention was: “If you ask the wrong question, the answer is irrelevant,” which made me think to myself, are we asking the right questions?

Let me share some examples:

Question: How quickly can I increase my revenues by one million dollars?
Better question: How Can I maximize my revenues, life balance and contribution to transform others’ success?

Question: How do I create a large body of work with a vast amount of content?
Better question: What are the ingredients of effective, remarkable content that creates attraction, value and conversations that go viral?

Question: How do I best help my clients?
Better question: How do I cause my clients to think differently and mobilize them to take action?

Question: What are the best ways to delegate to the team?
Better question: How do I create the kind of culture where enthusiasm is contagious and teams take self-initiatives to improve the organization?

Question: Where is the next piece of business coming from?
Better question: What is the next remarkable product or service I should create that would have the highest impact?

Question: What is the book on the New York Times bestseller list that I should read?
Better question: What are the world top thinkers reading that I should?
Even better question: Who are some of the greatest minds of history that I should read and how do I best apply the learning?

Also stay tuned to my blog where I will be posting thought leadership lessons learned.

This week’s tip: Start thinking about the questions that you can ask yourself and your clients. Be prepared to continually ask new and probing questions and have the answers that will build your client’s business to its greatest potential and profitability. And better yet, why not ask: “what questions have you not been asking that you should?”

Randy Gage, Chad Barr, Alan Weiss

The Breakers, West Palm Beach

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© Chad Barr 2013. All Rights Reserved.

0 thoughts on “Are You Asking The Right Questions? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 42

  1. Chad- great pics and post. It’s all about asking the right questions in life. Here’s one for you: “When can we do another Spreecast together?”

    Hope all is well and look forward to chatting with you soon!

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