Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
As you may know, Laurel and I brought a puppy into our home exactly one year ago. What you may not know is that I had said, “NO more dogs, EVER”, after our last pet passed almost 3 years ago.
First, I meant what I said, and second, evidently, no one took me seriously when I said it. Enter, Juno Raspberry Barr, the adorable and highly energetic little puppy girl that has taken over our hearts and our home. One year into this plan, I noticed that Juno has never walked up or down a flight of stairs, even with coaxing. I’m ok with that because it means she doesn’t feel comfortable wandering freely anywhere except the first floor of the house which makes life easier for all of us. Until today.
I began to text the breeder to ask if the inability to climb stairs was a problem, a medical issue or just plain fear. But I became distracted and ran upstairs to grab a paper that I realized I had left in my sport jacket and needed at that moment. As I turned around from my closet, I was surprised to see Juno outside the closet door, there she was, sniffing every corner of the room, the hallway and every bedroom she could get into. Had she read my mind?
I was caught off guard, a little surprised perhaps, and wondered if I would have to carry her back downstairs in my arms. But it seems that nature works as it should and knowing what goes up, must come down, she happily bounded down back to the familiar surroundings of her first-floor digs.
It made me then wonder, how many times have we all been caught off guard with a new challenge or an unexpected change in our business plan? How can we then think quickly on our feet, do a 180 degree turn into the skid and land upright?
The swift pivot often takes practice, self-confidence, and creativity to be successful. What tools do you have in your toolbox to maneuver the unexpected?
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