Creating Your Digital Empire One Word at a Time Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 377

For many years I’ve advised my clients to compile their powerful words to create their personal quotes, tweets or future sharable topics. These collection of tweets and unique personal quotes can become the checklists or bullet points for an upcoming article. Assemble together several articles or your newsletter archives and you have now created your eBook or book to be published in print. Continue doing so consistently and in a variety of media formats and you have shaped your intellectual property, created your digital empire and strengthened your thought leadership.

I am delighted to share two new books we have just designed, created and published on behalf of two of our clients, Erik Pelton and Leslie Ungar.

Building a Bold Brand – The foundations of trademark protection by Erik Pelton

“Successful brands don’t just appear out of thin air; they must be developed, built, supported, and protected. For many years, strong brand protection was only affordable and achievable for large companies with deep pockets. But as technology has revolutionized the way we do business, the landscape for trademarks has changed, and now any organization, big or small, can have a strong, protected, global brand without breaking the bank.” Erik Pelton


HorseTalk – Lessons in Leadership for Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Everyone In-Between by Leslie Ungar.

“HorseTalk: Lessons in Leadership benefits non-horse people with the lessons a horse can teach. A horse is a 4-legged mirror that reflects your ability to lead, overcome challenges and work as a team to meet and exceed goals.” Leslie Ungar

I encourage you to check these books out and see how their wisdom can improve and enhance your business.

Now that so many of us are working remotely and perhaps have more time on our hands, you can start Creating Your Digital Empire® one word at a time.

Get your copy of my latest new books available now on my Amazon’s author page.

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