Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
In working with, and observing some of the most successful global entrepreneurs, I have concluded that one of the key components of effective global thought leaders is their consistent and exhaustible ability to publish provocative and powerful content.
This content often manifests itself in various formats which includes posting tips and ideas on the various social media platforms, personal quotes, producing written articles on blogs, newsletters, print and online publications. Increasingly, there are shared audio interviews and valuable episodes distributed through podcasts and webinars, published books, diagrams and infographics known as my Transformation Visuals™, that craft a series of videos, and create live and online courses. Yet, many still struggle with getting their ideas out of their heads and wrestle with how to effectively manifest and leverage those thoughts, insights and wisdom.
In order to resolve this challenge of developing great content and helping you in Creating Global Digital Empires®, I developed a simple framework, which has helped hundreds of my global clients. This framework can be used to construct a short article, podcast or video. It contains three parts:
To clarify this concept, let me share an example with you. I want to create a short video that will engage and help my audience in finding where their key challenge is and how to create a successful web presence. The three insights or components I will discuss are strategy, content and marketing. Here is a sample script using my framework:
“Over the past 30 years I’ve been fortunate to work with some of the most successful global entrepreneurs and organizations. Yet one of the key challenges they all face is their inability to create a successful web presence that generates dramatic outcomes and results. So, if this is one of the challenges you or your organization are facing, there are three insights I would like to share with you in order to help resolve this challenge.
Number one is your strategy. You must first develop a powerful strategy by identifying your key buyers by age, gender, location, their preferences such as what they read, listen to and watch, and their challenges, hopes and aspirations.
Number two is crafting your amazing content, with tips on the various social media platforms, writing articles for your newsletters and other publications, creating podcasts, webinars and videos, publishing books, infographics, and online courses. For your content to be effective, engaging and remarkable, it should be pithy, powerful and provocative. The simple benchmark I use to determine the quality and provocativeness of the content is to analyze the immediate reaction to the content. Here are two possible responses:
Third, and lastly, are your marketing initiatives, of which I have identified thirty four in my Marketing Blueprint transformation visual™ which are located on my website. Initiatives such as newsletters, special reports, social media involvement, assessments, eBooks, Workshops, Press releases, Interviews and affiliate programs, to name a few.
Over the years I have observed that the most successful entrepreneurs and organizations are leveraging these three concepts to create extraordinary web presence that generates dramatic success for their business.
So, let me ask you, are you leveraging these concepts in order to dramatically impact and increase your business? If this resonates with you and you would like to discuss how to transform your business, contact me to help you get started on making some dramatic changes that will make you not only a thought leader, but a business champion. Some of the best relationships I have created over the years have started with a simple conversation just like this one.”
This is the essence of my framework. The key is to make sure the stated challenge is a pressing issue for your clients, and the shared insights are unique, powerful and generate interest.
All that is necessary is to record this video, present it with authority, passion and enthusiasm, post online and let the inquiries come in.
Additionally, there is a hidden contextual treasure in developing content with numeric or bulleted lists. I could easily take any of the three points in my example above, and develop additional and detailed, unique content for each one of these points that could stand on its own.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is your amazing content and digital empire. Begin creating and strengthening your content today and watch your business transform and your empire come to life.
What is one of the key challenges your clients face and what are the three profound insights to resolve this challenge? Use my framework and now go and create your next masterpiece.
Get your copy of my latest new books available now on my Amazon’s author page.