Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
This week’s reflection point: There is an amazing potential to grow your business within your existing network. Unfortunately, most don’t recognize this awesome power. So let me explain. Take a look at your immediate network that surrounds you: your clients, suppliers (or partners), friends, and associates (or colleagues). If each one of them provides you with a referral that leads to a business, that would be 4 new clients. If you then look at the 2nd connection level where each...
Continue Reading >>There is a profound difference between beating on prospects’ doors, trying to convince them of how good you are, and prospects coming to you, saying they’ve heard of your value and the results clients achieved and are curious as to how they can work with you. In the latter case, there is zero cost of acquisition and fees are seldom an issue at all. The secret to building a strong clients’ attraction on the web is to deliver profound value...
Continue Reading >>This week’s reflection point: How do you increase your reach and influence and become a game changer? The best way to achieve this is to publish prolifically and provocatively. This will reduce the chance of you sounding like everyone else, it will help stimulate and generate new ideas and increase the overall interest in you. Take a look at the visual below: I broke it down into four quadrants: Invisible — This means that you don’t publish much and you...
Continue Reading >>This week’s reflection point: For quite some time I have been suggesting that remarkable, provocative content is the critical aspect of one’s thought leadership. And to clarify, by content I mean, articles, position papers, audio books, booklets, eBooks, books, videos, audio recordings, teleseminars, webinars, workshops and so on. Content is the manifestation of your knowledge, experiences, track record of success, advice and wisdom, in a variety of offerings. To achieve and increase success, the other dimension is the concept...
Continue Reading >>I could hear the excitement in her voice when Debbie, one of my clients, called yesterday and said: “You are not going to believe this Chad! Your provocative questions and your coaching helped me deliver a fantastic speech that immediately led buyers to contact me, not to mention the remarkable new content available now on my site. Thank You!” “This is exactly the kind of call I love to receive. May I ask a favor of you?” “Of course,” she...
Continue Reading >>Have you identified your highest business potential? Take a look at the next visual: Primary Growth Potential: This exists when your new offerings, which manifest themselves through innovation of new products and services are effectively marketed to your existing customers. Since you have already established trusting relationships with your existing customers. They hopefully were able to achieve the planned goals, outcomes and rewards of working with you. They would then welcome your new offerings and recognize its potential. Marketing to...
Continue Reading >>You create intellectual property, which generates credibility, which creates prospect interaction, which gains trust, which produces new business, from which you can generate new intellectual property. This sequence is accelerated by a credible website that is visitor-friendly and buyer-oriented. © Alan Weiss 2012 As you can see in the “accelerant curve” illustrated above, your offerings should range from low barrier to entry (free downloads, inexpensive books) at a “competitive” position, through distinct (teleconferences, workshops), and on to breakthrough (individual coaching,...
Continue Reading >>Take a look at this process visual and then please follow my instruction below: The columns at the top indicate competitive (only as good as most of the competition), distinct (contains distinguishing features), and breakthrough (leading edge and state-of-the-art). Now take a look at the marketing gravity categories I have included on the left hand side. There are three things I would like you to do now: First, review each of the rows on the left and then indicate where you...
Continue Reading >>There is a profound difference between beating on prospects’ doors, trying to convince them of how good you are, and prospects coming to you, saying they’ve heard of your value and are curious as to how they can work with you. In the latter case, there is zero cost of acquisition and fees are seldom an issue at all. The secret to building a strong community of quality supporters on the web is to engage in as much of the...
Continue Reading >>For as long as I’ve been in business, I’ve been fascinated with what it takes to significantly increase our success as well as what are the habits of those who have done so. I do acknowledge that although success often has unique and subjective attributes for each individual, there are several widespread components that apply to most individuals. In my continued quest of decoding success and uncovering these attributes, I have recently come to realize that there are four primary...
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