Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
While checking out the profiles of individuals on various social media platforms, I’ve concluded that many of these people are either naïve or clueless about the impact of their digital identities and the lifestyle they reveal. I see silly photos of wild parties, drunken moments, images of injured body parts, pontification on subjects of which they are ignorant, boasting of the places they’ve visited, constantly quoting others, participating in absurd arguments, trolling the web, and so on. If I am...
Continue Reading >>When you receive invitations to connect through the various social media platforms simple reply and say: “Thanks for connecting. I am curious as to what prompted you to connect with me?” You’d be amazed of the great conversations that often evolve from asking such a simple question. © Chad Barr 2012. All rights reserved
Continue Reading >>When it comes to the various social media platforms, a common question I am often asked is whom to connect with? Here are my recommendations: Anyone requesting to connect with you who has initiated such request. However, they must be genuine and credible. A quick look at their profile should help determine such. Clients. Past clients. Prospective clients. Executives in organizations. Journalists. Colleagues and professional business acquaintances. Interesting individuals in groups you belong to and others asking and answering questions....
Continue Reading >>Years ago when Chad first started to use Facebook, he asked this question on his Facebook wall: “Is anyone seriously reading or even paying attention to these silly status messages?” A few minutes later, his nephew from Australia replied: “That is what we live for!” Although probably a humorous but sad commentary of what may epitomize the trivial interest level of Facebook members, it also made us wonder, could it be that some are looking for quick, stimulating interesting and...
Continue Reading >>I have recently received the catalog from Johnston & Murphy which does have some nice selections I must admit. What also caught my attention was actually the back cover which I scanned below. Notice how they promote their page on facebook with the enticement of finding exclusive offers and news. Are you leveraging the various aspects of social media such as facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others to communicate with your clients? You should. Are you providing exclusive offers and news...
Continue Reading >>Here is Chad’s definition of social media: The connection of people online to explore mutual interests, share ideas, wisdom and expertise, build relationships, have fun, provide and solicit answers to questions and conduct business.
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