Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 241 Whose Business are You Reinventing? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 241

I believe it was Peter Drucker who said that the best way to predict the future is to create it. I believe that in order to create a strong future we must continually reinvent ourselves. Doing so is as close to a guarantee as possible not only to ensure our future survival but to actually enable us to thrive and impact others. Throughout my career I have gone through several reinventions both personally and with my business. Years ago, I...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 240 Are you a better version of you? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 240

Who have you surrounded yourself with that makes you a better version of you? In the past several years I’ve been fortunate to meet and associate with some amazing people. I would like to dedicate today’s newsletter to Jeff Walker, the inventor and the brains behind the product launch formula, which focuses on the step-by-step process to launching products. I’ve had the opportunities to meet Jeff several times and participate in several of his exhilarating events. He is a remarkable...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 239 Grab ’em by the … Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 239

How quickly does your content grab their attention or have you lost them in the first few moments? If you are still reading this, that’s a good sign. One of the questions I am often asked is how long should my content be? My answer is: “as pithy as possible and perhaps even a few moments shorter!” Life and technology have gotten exponentially faster and have accelerated their sophistication and our ability to retrieve information almost at the speed of...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 238 Get The Weight Off Your Shoulders Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 238

Are there things that bring your down? Are you surrounded by pessimism? There’s a not so nice way some people refer to one’s spouse calling them the old “ball and chain.” Even though it’s meant to be funny, it connotes that which holds us back or pulls us down. We all have occasional heavy anchors that attempt to pull us under the current as we try to keep our businesses and lives riding the high tide. What are some of...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 237 Don’t Fall For It! Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 237

Last weekend, my wife and I traveled to hear The Cleveland Orchestra perform at Blossom Music Center, which is one of the most beautiful summer concert venues in Northeast Ohio. Being somewhat in a hurry, I quickly launched my browser and searched for available online tickets. I clicked on the first link that came up and to my surprise it showed only a few tickets available at the starting price of $180 per ticket. This made no sense since tickets...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 236 Testimonials: Their Pat on Your Back Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 236

I received a request this week from one of my clients asking me the best way to get a powerful video testimonial from a client. I’ve been saying for years that if you tell others how great you are, it can come across as boasting or a bunch of fluff. Yet if your clients tell others how great you are, that’s an indisputable fact! It is the social proof needed to increase your credibility and reputation. I am a huge...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 235 7 Business Myth Busters Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 235

In recent conversations with some of my clients and prospective clients, they shared with me that their business has flat-lined. Some have even said that their business has taken a free fall dive. This is both disheartening and concerning and made me probe deeper as to the reasons for such a disastrous situation. My conclusion is that it boils down to 7 myths that may have contributed to the situation and are most likely responsible for its continuation. Myth #1:...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 234 11 Steps to Bring Your Hobby Into Focus Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 234

For as long as I can remember, I always had a hobby or two that kept me curious, excited, enthusiastic and fulfilled. I remember the fish breeding aquariums in my parents’ home, building amplifiers and various sound systems for playing my electric guitar in my various bands, and I even remember a period of experimenting with macramé hanging plant holders. But let’s keep the latter a secret. For me, the biggest reward is the realization that some of my hobbies...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 233 Write On! Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 233

Many of my clients are well known authors of insightful books on a variety of topics. Some have published one book while others have published many. Most have recognized the benefits of being a published author so they may share their wisdom with the world, gain credibility and strengthen their global thought leadership. Many struggle with figuring out how to get published quickly, painlessly and successfully. No matter where you are on this spectrum, if you desire to further increase...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 232 The Best Writing Advice Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 232

Content creation is one of the key essentials to increasing our intellectual property (IP) and credibility while strengthening our thought leadership and global reach. Yet many are stuck in writer’s block mindset and procrastination. During a conversation I had this morning with a client, she shared her quest for advice as to how to best write amazing content. My Top 10 insights: Habit – The more you practice your writing habit muscle, the stronger, more flexible and easier it gets....

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