Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
As many of you know, one of my many passions is photography. Other passions of mine include: the development of web strategies and digital content for us and our clients, playing the guitar, spending precious time with my family (did I tell you about my grandkids yet?) and my most recent passion, playing the hottest and fastest growing sport in the US – Pickle Ball. More on that soon. I was recently drawn to photographing the fascinating world of architecture...
Continue Reading >>One of the key attributes of the most successful global thought leaders is the fact that they are prolific publishers of remarkable content and they do so provocatively, consistently in a large variety of media formats and online platforms. In other words, they leverage content marketing brilliantly and become game changers in their respected industries. Yet many make serious mistakes when creating their content marketing. Below are the top 21 mistakes I see entrepreneurs and organizations make: Not repurposing your...
Continue Reading >>I am honored to be on the list (among Bain, Boston Consulting Group. Gartner, McKinsey and others) of the “Top 50 blogs, magazines and websites for consultants” This is the best ”top 50 list” of blogs, magazines and websites for consultants that you will find on the internet. They referenced my blog by saying: On the blog you can find articles that focus on innovative ideas that can improve your business. The point of the blog is to help companies...
Continue Reading >>We all have our talents or as some may call it our gifts or calling. In my article; One Note at a Time that I wrote earlier this year, I outlined the distinctions between talented musicians and those performing on a completely different level. I then posed key questions to connect these distinctions to the business world. As noted in that article. The key distinction I observed are: Learning your craft and continuing your pursuit of knowledge. What are your...
Continue Reading >>What is Your Biggest Regret? A brave individual put a blackboard in a public park with just that question scrawled across the top waiting to see what passersby would write on the board. The board quickly filled up. “Not saying I love you.” “Burning bridges.” “Not staying in touch.” “Not being a better friend.” By the end of the day, the project creator noticed a common theme among the responses. The regrets were all about chances not taken, words not...
Continue Reading >>It’s hard to believe that on this day in 1962, The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson, debuted. The show, with Carson at the desk, continued for 30 years straight with famous featured guest hosts filling in during his occasional absence. Everyone remembers, “Here’s Johnny”, as his sidekick Ed McMahon would introduce him. How did he become the king of late-night television? Why did everyone stay up until 11:30 just to catch the opening, see the celebrities or the latest comedian...
Continue Reading >>I just came across a great new book, Horse Museum, by the late Dr. Seuss, which was published this month. It examines the concept of what art is all about and how it is interpreted differently by various artists and people. The book is so good that I immediately got a copy for myself and one for my grandkids. I highly recommend you look into purchasing one too. One definition of art is: “Works produced by human creative skill and...
Continue Reading >>As most of you know, I believe that a powerful image speaks a thousand words. I therefore love creating transformation visuals® to communicate such messages. I wrote the article Have You SMACKED Your Clients Lately? Back in 2012 to help our clients create more powerful podcasts. I communicated these concepts through the acronym SMACKED. Here is what it stands for: Smile while you talk, which will make the podcasts fun and demonstrate that you are enjoying it as well. If...
Continue Reading >>Here we are again. September 11, 2019, now 18 years since that horrific attack on our nation that we simply remember as 9/11. Forever ingrained in our brains, those numbers, 9/11, only conjure up that which is evil and still incomprehensible. How have we grown? What have we learned and how has the world changed since that fateful day? I look back on this past year and reflect upon the senseless loss of life from mass shootings, the political turmoil...
Continue Reading >>My wife and I recently attended the Water Lantern Festival on Cleveland’s Lake Erie coast at Voinovich park. On a beautiful, warm Cleveland evening, I, along with thousands of others, spread our numbers out, milling around and socializing over the lawns and walkways and waited for the sunset to be begin. Each participant received a bag containing a paper lantern and marker, on which to write our thoughts, hopes and wishes, a wooden base and a battery powered candle. It...
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