When and What to Blog?

Ever wonder how often you should blog and how to find ideas to blog about? Listen to this podcast and to Chad discussing these points by clicking the play arrow button below: © Chad Barr 2012. All rights reserved

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10 Items to Evaluate Before Investing In Your New Site

Entrepreneurs and organizations often times approach me with the request to help them put together a new web site. My reply is that they are thinking about it completely wrong and need to change their mindset. Here are the items to consider and assess: When asked to articulate what your strategy is? can you do it? Your site is only one marketing component (out of many) to support your overall strategy. Answer the following questions: What is your strategy? Paint...

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Which Domain Extension Should You Register?

When registering your domain name (URL) the one I recommend you secure, that is the most important and popular, is the one that ends with a .com extension. Assuming then that you have secured the .com extension, you are in great shape. However, you may want to also consider registering the following extensions: .net, .org, ,info, .biz and .us if you are in the US. For example, my blog name is hosted under www.ChadBarr.com which is registered and owned by...

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The Seven Rules of Authorship

Here are our first three of seven rules for writing a newsletter, but they can also apply in large part blog posts, articles, booklets, and so forth. Rule #1: Tell them what they need to know, not everything that you know. Most writing is far too prolix and verbosity has become endemic to our society. But less IS more in writing, so how do you control your propensity to open the verbal floodgates? Put yourself in your readers’ shoes. Ask...

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Creating a “sticky” web presence

Many people spend their resources and energy trying to attract visitors to their sites. That seems reasonable and achievable. However, there are two aspects to “site power” that often defeat site owners who are investing heavily to attract visitors. In fact, we have one word for it: retention. It’s insufficient to merely attract people, you need to retain them. Not for hours or days, but fore minutes and for repeats visits. We call this a “sticky” web presence, because people...

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Where Does Site Traffic Come From?

Traffic to your site comes from many sources such as when your visitor: Enters your site address (URL) into their browser when looking at your business card. Enters the web page address (URL) that was shared with them (through other marketing efforts) into their browser. Enters your site address into their browser when receiving your company’s paperwork such as invoice, purchase order, check. Clicks on your email signature links. Reads your newsletter and clicks on one of the links. Views...

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Is Your Web Site Set for Success?

In a recent presentation I delivered in Rhode Island I was asked what are the components I consider when reviewing the effectiveness of web sites for my clients and prospective clients. Here is the list I have quickly come up with: Does the site clearly incorporates the three elements of web success which are: world-class design, remarkable content that supports an effective strategy and tactics? Remember my philosophy: “Strategy first, technology second!” Is there a strong list of clients you’ve...

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Best Practices from My Best Clients

In my article Best Practices from My Best Clients I reveal my observations of what my most successful clients are doing. You may be surprised. Checkout our most recent newsletter announcing the new site for Betsy Jordyn, President of Accelera Consulting Group. Finally, it’s time to thank YOU and wish you and your family a healthy, peaceful and prosperous year. All the best, Chad

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Why Should You Improve Your Speaking Skills?

I find speaking critical from several perspectives. Here are some of the reasons I encourage others to speak often: It is an effective vehicle that enables me to deliver my evolving intellectual property. It sharpens my language, delivery and speaking skills. It allows me to try and test new ideas and material. It enables me to interact with my audience and receive immediate feedback as well as gauge what’s on their minds and what are their concerns, which allows me...

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