Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
Your Site should help: Strengthen your credibility, image and reputation. Increase your revenues, profits and the number of clients you attract. Make it easier for your clients to conduct business with you. Enable you to leverage it as an effective tool to consistently push value to your clients. Engage in conversations with your clients. If your site does that, congratulations! Make sure you sustain that success. If not, perhaps it’s time to kick it up a big notch. © Chad...
Continue Reading >>I come across too many sites and blogs that are usually very text heavy. Here are my thoughts on this: Different buyers have different content consumption preferences. Even one unique buyer may have different preferences at different times. Personally, there are times I like to read, other times I like to listen (especially in my car, during air travel or my walks) and other times I like to watch videos and process visuals (diagrams) and such. Podcasts and videos, from...
Continue Reading >>I am a huge fan and have recommended Google Alerts for years. However, I think most are not using the full power potential built into this Internet tool. This free tool enables you to get emails notifications (alerts) anytime Google find results for the items you are interested in. If used correctly, this tool enables you to get notified when anyone on the web mentions the names, company names, brands, products, services and stories about: You Clients Colleagues Partners Competitors Thought...
Continue Reading >>I often hear people share with me that their business is not doing well, revenues are down and the prospect of new clients or projects is quite limited or nonexistent. What commonly then surfaces is not that they have a sales problem but a serious marketing problem. Actually a lack of an effective marketing plan is more like it. So next time you are worrying about revenues and cash flow, I’d suggest you look at your marketing plan and in...
Continue Reading >>Here is a question I’ve recently received from one of my colleagues from the UK: “In order to provide value to a prospect, first you have to identify one. How do you do that Chad? Do you identify companies who you would like to work with, or do you use marketing to attract prospects?” When I first started my career, 25 years ago, I used to engage in the following marketing activities to attract my prospective clients: Referrals Networking Purchasing...
Continue Reading >>What’s your reaction when you get smacked across your face? Probably a sense of shock and surprise, right? I find many of the podcasts I listen to create the opposite reaction. They are boring, scripted, valueless and put me to sleep which is not the typical reaction I’d suggest from an effective business podcast. So I have just created the following acronym to help you develop your own killer podcasts that your listener will love. SMACKED means: Smile while you...
Continue Reading >>Over seven years ago I wrote about the importance of using your email signature to communicate and promote your various products, services and important announcements. Below is what my current email signature looks like. How about you? Chad Barr President The Chad Barr Group 5152 Crofton Avenue Solon, OH 44139 Office: 440-715-5247 Site: http://www.cbsoftware.com Blog: https://www.thechadbarrgroup.com Portfolio: http://webservices.cbsoftware.com/portfolio.php Million $ Web Sites: http://www.themilliondollarwebsites.com Create your Digital Empire: http://bit.ly/sv7B2d “Chad is a technological genius and a technological strategy expert. He is the most brilliant technical guy...
Continue Reading >>I get asked this question a lot: “Chad, now that I’ve launched my site, how do I best promote it?” A while back I wrote You Just Launched Your New Site, Now What? where I reviewed some key elements to promoting your site. Today, I am going to dive much deeper and give you the recipe or menu options to choose from. So although a longer article, this is a good one, so here you go: Create Your Contact List...
Continue Reading >>You create intellectual property, which generates credibility, which creates prospect interaction, which gains trust, which produces new business, from which you can generate new intellectual property. This sequence is accelerated by a credible website that is visitor-friendly and buyer-oriented. © Alan Weiss 2012 As you can see in the “accelerant curve” illustrated above, your offerings should range from low barrier to entry (free downloads, inexpensive books) at a “competitive” position, through distinct (teleconferences, workshops), and on to breakthrough (individual coaching,...
Continue Reading >>Take a look at this process visual and then please follow my instruction below: The columns at the top indicate competitive (only as good as most of the competition), distinct (contains distinguishing features), and breakthrough (leading edge and state-of-the-art). Now take a look at the marketing gravity categories I have included on the left hand side. There are three things I would like you to do now: First, review each of the rows on the left and then indicate where you...
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