Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
Perhaps not. I was chatting with my 16-year old son the other day, noticing that he was no longer using his email address to communicate with his friends and us, his parents. I asked him why, and here are his answers: Email is too slow to get a response to, often contains Spam and viruses and at times it is lost in cyberspace. Since most carry cell phones and use instant messaging, he is usually able to instantaneously get a...
Continue Reading >>The large amount of people who smoke in Israel is unfortunately alarming. Although I do not have the statistical evidence to substantiate my claim, ubiquitous smokers are strong enough anecdotal evidence. Here is a picture from the duty-free store in the Tel-Aviv airport proving the unfortunate popularity of cigarettes. Tremendous amount of real estate is taken with beautifully displayed, almost candy-like, stacked cartons of cigarettes. What intrigued me further was the fact that each carton had huge letters and fonts...
Continue Reading >>I came across these powerful quotes written by Mark Twain: “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” “There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The...
Continue Reading >>After delivering my speech last week, at the Inn at Castle Hill in Newport, Rhode Island, and while walking outside, I noticed the beautiful and serene picture of nature. The geese, somewhat motionless, seemed to ignore me as they were calmly looking at the water. I aimed my camera, one shot taken, and just before I was ready to take the next shot, they decided to take off. I was probably too close for their comfort. I quickly took two...
Continue Reading >>The WSJ reported a study which was conducted at UCLA and concluded that women are “chattier” than men by 3% (I know my wife would debate that.) It also suggested that muscular men are twice as likely to have more than three sex partners than their less muscular buddies. So I ask the following: What segment of the population was tested? What was their age group? How many were tested? What was their ethnic background? What part of the country...
Continue Reading >>An interview in the Wall Street Journal with John Chambers, CEO of Cisco, caught my attention. Below are the top five points: Focus on markets transition and try to catch them at the right time. Enter new markets with a sustainable differentiation. Listen and take direction from your customers. Develop a strong leadership team. Innovate, innovate, innovate. So how do you know it’s the right time to enter or exit a market and how do you know you have the...
Continue Reading >>It’s clear to me that identity thieves are getting craftier and spammers are getting more deceptive. But what amazes me is the fact that many individuals and companies are still falling victims for the same old tricks. Is it a matter of better needed education, improved methods of public alerts or lack of individual common sense? Or could it perhaps be a combination of all three? It’s no wonder that Spam emails have been growing consistently and considerably. Here are...
Continue Reading >>Did you realize that most of today’s “hot” gadgets will be totally outdated in just a few years. Here are some examples: The first IBM PC, first hand-held calculator, boom box, cassette player, rotary phone, B&W TV, AM radio and many more. What others come to your mind? So while you are thinking of ideas to share with us, should you hang on to that new iPhone you are about to purchase as a collector’s item, or get rid of...
Continue Reading >>WiFi spots are not only becoming ubiquitous they are now starting to appear in cars, trains and even airplanes. Imagine driving your car while being able to check (carefully of course) on the best restaurants in the area or at your destination as well as what special events of interest you may want to attend. Imagine connecting your laptop to the Internet while riding the train or even on that international flight you are on. Work hard or play hard...
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