Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
A question was asked on one of the online forums we implemented and I help moderate: “How often does one need to add a new entry to a blog? How long or short should a typical entry be?” Here is my answer: This is one of the topics I study, track, research, write about, consult others and help develop. So let me share my bias with you. I am writing an article for my blog with the title of: “The...
Continue Reading >>We are working on a client project that involves two people in my organization, the client and another business partner. In order to improve communication and make sure all people involved are in the loop, I requested we all hit “reply all” when responding to emails. Doing so is not just common sense but also good business practice. Well, you guessed right. On numerous occasions both the client and the business partner did not choose to “reply all” and hit...
Continue Reading >>I know that I keep talking about delivering genuine value through your blog. But how do you make your text come to life? Simple. Incorporate picture images, audio and video in your posts and throughout your blog. I visit too many blogs where the author did not realize this simple rule. Unless the message strongly captures my attention, I find most blogs to be quite boring. When talking with one of our new web clients today, he said that he...
Continue Reading >>It was great when one of the participants in my recent speaking engagement in Rhode Island, came to me after my presentation and reminded me that I did not mention a concept that resonated with him when he heard me speak last year. So here is the concept and thanks for the reminder: Imagine visiting a web site or a blog for the first time, finding it interesting and book marking it for future visits. Then, on your future and...
Continue Reading >>I am here at Rhode Island where I will be presenting today “How to Leverage The Internet for Improved Success in Your Business” to the attendees of the Million Dollar Consulting College, held by Dr. Alan Weiss of the Summit Consulting Group. While chatting last night with several of the college participants, I came to realize that most entrepreneurs do not recognize the awesome power of progress and evolution, especially when it comes to their own web site. By that...
Continue Reading >>One of the successful concepts of Internet marketing is called Viral Marketing. This concept helps spread an idea very quickly among its recipients. One example of the success of this concept is with singer Marie Digby. She video recorded several famous songs and uploaded them onto YouTube. When visitors searched for the song by the original artist they also found her videos, which quickly brought her fame and the signing to produce a new album. Seth Godin also talks about...
Continue Reading >>A study conducted by Outsell Inc., a market researcher in Burlingame, and reported in the San Francisco Chronicle, reveals a huge fraud charging customers for erroneous clicks. Here’s an alarming summary of the finding as published in the original article: Clicks believed by advertisers to be fraudulent: 14.6 percent Money paid by advertisers for bogus clicks: $800 million (2005) Advertisers who said they were victims of click fraud: 75 percent Advertisers who said they reduced click-based advertising or plan to:...
Continue Reading >>According to Stephen Farthing, instructor at the Univ. of Arts in London, (reported in the wsj) the average time a gallery visitor spends in front of a painting is no more than two or three seconds. As I so often speak about when delivering my speeches, the majority of web visitors spend only few seconds on your home page. These visitors would only spend more time if you successfully and quickly grabbed their attention with points of interest and valuable...
Continue Reading >>According to the WSJ, it is Online news. And according to Nielsen/Net Rating April 2007 top unique visitors: MSNBC.com = 33.14 Million Yahoo.com = 33.12 Million CNN.com = 27.9 Million It is the affiliated Internet portals that send visitors to these sites and give them their current edge.
Continue Reading >>In my current article for our newsletter this month, I discuss the components that create credibility for your web site. Read “Should I use you or how should I use use?” and learn what are these elements.
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