Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
Use a teleconference when you want: The audience to listen to you only and not interact with you. To allow audience interaction, and there is a very small group of people (say 10), and they all use landlines, and they know how to keep a quite surroundings. Otherwise there is way too much noise during such interactions. And if the group is large, just forget it. Use a webinar when you want: The audience participation and you have a large...
Continue Reading >>This article was originally written and posted on 10. Dec, 2012 by Halina St James, founder of Podium Media & Communications Coaching, reports from the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers’ annual convention in Winnipeg. Are you relentless in giving away good stuff? You should be, according to Chad Barr. Chad creates software and internet solutions to help businesses find online success. Chad is soft spoken, low key and modest. But when he spoke at the CAPS convention, everyone paid close attention. And his workshop was...
Continue Reading >>Ever wonder what are the building blocks of Achieving Your Business Dreams Online? Earlier this month, I was interviewed by Tannette Johnson-Elie, Writer/Media Professional for Marketwire small business blog http://mwpub.com/ and here is her article: We’re in a business world that’s evolving faster than ever. It’s never been this easy to launch a business and propel your brand to new heights, almost overnight, thanks to the Internet. For example, two pals videotape themselves performing some crazy stunt, it goes viral and within days they’re...
Continue Reading >>Here are some ideas on how to: Take your site seriously because if you don’t, why should others? Keep adding great content to avoid stagnation. Engage in conversations with your clients and prospective clients through your site, your blog, the communities you belong to and the ones you create. Attract interest to you through Internet marketing gravity. Deliver remarkable value by sharing your insights, wisdom, experiences and relationships with others. Push your value to your target audience. Mention, refer to...
Continue Reading >>I come across too many sites and blogs that are usually very text heavy. Here are my thoughts on this: Different buyers have different content consumption preferences. Even one unique buyer may have different preferences at different times. Personally, there are times I like to read, other times I like to listen (especially in my car, during air travel or my walks) and other times I like to watch videos and process visuals (diagrams) and such. Podcasts and videos, from...
Continue Reading >>I am a huge fan and have recommended Google Alerts for years. However, I think most are not using the full power potential built into this Internet tool. This free tool enables you to get emails notifications (alerts) anytime Google find results for the items you are interested in. If used correctly, this tool enables you to get notified when anyone on the web mentions the names, company names, brands, products, services and stories about: You Clients Colleagues Partners Competitors Thought...
Continue Reading >>What’s your reaction when you get smacked across your face? Probably a sense of shock and surprise, right? I find many of the podcasts I listen to create the opposite reaction. They are boring, scripted, valueless and put me to sleep which is not the typical reaction I’d suggest from an effective business podcast. So I have just created the following acronym to help you develop your own killer podcasts that your listener will love. SMACKED means: Smile while you...
Continue Reading >>Over seven years ago I wrote about the importance of using your email signature to communicate and promote your various products, services and important announcements. Below is what my current email signature looks like. How about you? Chad Barr President The Chad Barr Group 5152 Crofton Avenue Solon, OH 44139 Office: 440-715-5247 Site: http://www.cbsoftware.com Blog: https://www.thechadbarrgroup.com Portfolio: http://webservices.cbsoftware.com/portfolio.php Million $ Web Sites: http://www.themilliondollarwebsites.com Create your Digital Empire: http://bit.ly/sv7B2d “Chad is a technological genius and a technological strategy expert. He is the most brilliant technical guy...
Continue Reading >>I get asked this question a lot: “Chad, now that I’ve launched my site, how do I best promote it?” A while back I wrote You Just Launched Your New Site, Now What? where I reviewed some key elements to promoting your site. Today, I am going to dive much deeper and give you the recipe or menu options to choose from. So although a longer article, this is a good one, so here you go: Create Your Contact List...
Continue Reading >>Listen to this great interview where Dan Janal of PR Leads asks Chad some tough questions such as: What do million dollar producers do that others don’t? Where do great ideas come from and what do we do with them? How do you leverage the web to dominate your niche expertise? And many more. Click the play arrow button below: © Chad Barr 2012. All rights reserved
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