Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
Where would we be without the innovations that have gradually and progressively evolved into the modern-day technological advancements we now enjoy? While, at the time, many people considered each breakthrough unthinkable (in the unimaginable sense of the word), gradually these advancements evolved and became so widespread that they became unthinkable (in the commonplace sense of the word). With each breakthrough, social and interactive along with other types of shifts also occurred. How we go about finding the root meaning of...
Continue Reading >>I initiated a conference call this morning using GotoWebinar – a product I use to conduct such calls and webinars, which I have done many times before. The call connected attendees from two continents and allowed us to use our computer speakers and microphones to join the call or simply use a regular phone. I’ve elected to use my (USB) headset with the built-in microphone. As soon as the attendees joined the call I noticed that they all sounded like...
Continue Reading >>I travel the world quite often and here is a powerful lesson I would like to share with you that I witnessed on one of my business trip to the Bahamas. Being in a new environment, especially one as beautiful as the Bahamas, heightens my senses of natural, everyday occurrences. My colleagues and I were engaged in great discussions outdoors as we were also enjoying the fabulous cocktail party and the various assortments of food. I couldn’t help but notice...
Continue Reading >>Here are ways to develop interest in your organization and have your target customers contact you: 1. Start speaking professionally, deliver your expertise and talk about how to improve your clients business with web strategies. 2. Add testimonials and clients list to your web site. 3. Start a monthly electronic newsletter and deliver genuine value to your target audience. 4. Write and publish your intellectual property in print and on the web 5. Network and discuss how you help your...
Continue Reading >>1. Funeral Homes 2. Security 3. Nursing homes and elderly care 4. Baby food 5. Weight loss 6. Wealth creation 7. Do it yourself 8. Home based business 9. Any business that would generate a minimum of 10 to 1 ROI for their clients Any others that come to mind?
Continue Reading >>Become an entrepreneur Live on less than 85% of your income and invest the rest Invest in your health and life balance Create proper business and personal insurance for you and your family Invest in your continued learning and education Hire the best (staff, advisers and consultants) Re-invent yourself often Find a successful mentor with a proven track record Constantly look for ways to help your clients improve their business and life Give a lot Laugh a lot Your turn...
Continue Reading >>1. Strong entrepreneurship spirit which means not being afraid to fail 2. Willingness to take risk knowing that the potential outcome and success can be enormous. 3. Strong desire to work for myself and exit the “employee” mentality 4. Have complete control of decisions and my own future and destiny 5. Ability to enjoy discretionary time and life balance What do you think?
Continue Reading >>I just returned from my trip to Rhode Island followed immediately with a trip to Austin, Texas, where I attended a conference attracting the owners and top management of independent wholesale paper, sanitary maintenance, and restaurant equipment distributors. While meeting with about 80 of these organizations, I asked them to comment on what they see as the key reasons for their success. Here are the top six answers: Diversity – being able to quickly decide which products and services to...
Continue Reading >>In my previous post I was talking about having to listen to absurd and ineffective voicemails when calling others. I recently played several voicemail (VM) messages that I retrieved from my own voicemail system The first VM was a garbled message from a prospective client interested in talking with me about our solutions. The message was probably recorded using his cell phone making it almost impossible to recognize the complete phone number. Luckily I was able to make sense of...
Continue Reading >>I believe that we have more control of impacting our destiny and creating success than chance or luck has to do with it. Here are three ideas that have been instrumental in impacting mine: Opportunities are all around us, we just have to learn to pay better attention to them. If you don’t ask the answer is always NO. When serendipity takes place, I seize the opportunity to create additional serendipity.
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