Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
Have you identified your highest business potential? Take a look at the next visual: Primary Growth Potential: This exists when your new offerings, which manifest themselves through innovation of new products and services are effectively marketed to your existing customers. Since you have already established trusting relationships with your existing customers. They hopefully were able to achieve the planned goals, outcomes and rewards of working with you. They would then welcome your new offerings and recognize its potential. Marketing to...
Continue Reading >>Take a look at the questions below: What are some of your clients key challenges? For each of these challenges, what are three best practices to resolve them and can you provide examples? What do your best clients do that others don’t? What are the distinguishing factors between you and others competing in your market space and what makes you unique? Share with us a client’s success story you are most prod of. What’s your value proposition or in other...
Continue Reading >>Here is a question I’ve recently received from one of my colleagues from the UK: “In order to provide value to a prospect, first you have to identify one. How do you do that Chad? Do you identify companies who you would like to work with, or do you use marketing to attract prospects?” When I first started my career, 25 years ago, I used to engage in the following marketing activities to attract my prospective clients: Referrals Networking Purchasing...
Continue Reading >>I’m often times being asked, what do I do when a prospective client says “NO” to a project? For a brief moment I feel sorry for them since they are not going to benefit from the results generated from working with me. I then take the following action: Decide who among my clients or prospective clients may now benefit from the great value I have to offer. I then get them on the phone or email them. Use the opportunity...
Continue Reading >>When you are already working on a project with your client, do you offer additional ideas and value that frequently trigger new projects? I am astonished at how many I talk with do not do that. The comments I often hear are: “I don’t do that” or “I am not comfortable doing that” or “I don’t find it to be appropriate within the boundaries of the project” or “I have never thought of that.” What in the world are you...
Continue Reading >>I’ve said this for quite some time that the key differences between most successful thought leaders and others are the following key attributes: They: Are prolific publishers of provocative and great content. Publish their content in a wide variety of formats such as articles, checklists, podcasts, videos, eBooks, books, process visuals and more. Have a large active offerings of products and services. Are in demand and attract global followers. Create communities around their brand. Are quoted and are interviewed by...
Continue Reading >>When writing Why Invest Your Energy With Existing Clients? yesterday, it occurred to me that, consciously or subconsciously, we often make the decision in which activity to invest our energy. And although these decisions may seem harmless, I suggest they have a huge impact on our potential life and business success. Let’s examine a few: Spending more time attracting strangers as new clients instead of conversing more with existing clients on ways to improve their business? Mindlessly surfing the Internet instead...
Continue Reading >>I acknowledge that turning a prospective client into a new client is exciting. I am just surprised at how many devote more (or most) of their energy to chasing new prospects rather than investing most of their energy with existing clients. Assuming you have done great work with your clients, which has produced great results for then, here are some reasons why you should invest your energy with them: They know you and trust you. You have already created great...
Continue Reading >>I admit, I’ve never been a fan of the long sales letters. I am sure you know those pages I am referring to. The ones that scroll down the page forever, with lengthy text that would take you longer to complete reading than reading War and Peace. The choice of colors combination is sure to make any rainbow envy, and as you scroll down the page, you see a bunch of video testimonials that make you wonder who in the world...
Continue Reading >>In this interview, Chad discusses the advice he would have given himself 15 years ago.
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