Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
A few years back I shared several ideas on Finding The Right Web Partner. I just added a few more bullet points to the original article and decided to repurpose this article.
Continue Reading >>Here are the top four steps I implement after attending developmental experiences: Review my notes within 72 hours of the event. Summarize them into my Evernote system for easy future search and retrieval. Pick out the top three that represent my highest passion and potential success for my clients. Have the discipline to take action and execute. How about you? What do you find to be the most effective ways to make sure the developmental experiences you attend reap their...
Continue Reading >>I like this time a year when one year comes to a close and the other is about the begin. It’s as the world goes into slow-motion, people (most) are friendlier and there is a great sense of renewal. One of my favorite activities is that of reflection where I get to review the previous year and take note of what has worked well and what has not. However, I’ve come to realize that yearly reflections for just the sake...
Continue Reading >>When you are wrapping up a conversation with your client, make sure you cover the following three items: What is/are your biggest take-away(s) from today’s conversation? What action will you commit to taking after this call? Let’s open our calendars right now and schedule our next follow-up call. © Chad Barr 2013. All rights reserved
Continue Reading >>Newton’s laws of motion states that “Objects at rest tend to stay at rest while objects in motion tend to remain in motion.” I’d like to suggest that the same concept applies to your life and business. So why not start your year with the ultimate motion which is your commitment to execution? What are the top three things you are committed to take action on this month? Happy New Year! © Chad Barr 2013. All rights reserved
Continue Reading >>Imagine embarking on a US road trip from east to west coast without a plan, a map or a GPS. Similarly, how would you reach dramatic greater success at the end of next year without having created your roadmap? For the past several weeks and over the next few week, I am working with my clients to help them create their own roadmap. I am also glad to report that I have put myself through the same process that I...
Continue Reading >>What do you think needs to take place in order to strengthen your thought leadership positioning next year? This may be the perfect time to start think about this. With the hope that this may be of help, here is the list I’ve compiled for myself: Create powerful relationships with other thought leaders. Attract thoughts leaders and those on their way to achieve that status or as I would call thought leaders -1. Have my next book accepted by a...
Continue Reading >>Use a teleconference when you want: The audience to listen to you only and not interact with you. To allow audience interaction, and there is a very small group of people (say 10), and they all use landlines, and they know how to keep a quite surroundings. Otherwise there is way too much noise during such interactions. And if the group is large, just forget it. Use a webinar when you want: The audience participation and you have a large...
Continue Reading >>I am here in Winnipeg attending the CAPS speakers convention, meeting some great and friendly people, attending outstanding presentations, and getting ready to speak tomorrow. There were several speakers presenting today where I would rank some as remarkable, others as good and others as perhaps in need of improvement. So here are my recommendations whether you are a speaker on or off the stage, or perhaps simply speaking to your prospects or clients: Get to the point quickly. Tell stories...
Continue Reading >>Be willing to walk away Negotiate terms not fees When true trusting relationships have developed, and the prospect is enthusiastically ready to move forward to gain the proposed value, it never feels like negotiation, but a partnership! © Chad Barr 2012. All rights reserved
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