Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
“Use Your Electricity For More Than Light” said an ad that ran in the Sears catalog in 1917. When talking about Internet strategies in the various speeches I deliver, I refer to the idea of the Internet of today as the light bulb of 100 years ago. It is obvious that we barely are scratching the surface of all the potential that is available. What is even more exciting are the technologies yet be invented in years to come and...
Continue Reading >>Talking of TED, I’ve recently watched these two fascinating and inspiring presentations from Dean Kamen – previewing a new prosthetic arm and Jeff Skoll – making movies that make change. Don’t miss them. Click below to view the presentation: Click below to view the presentation:
Continue Reading >>I recently have come across this outstanding site, which you must visit. www.Ted.com features inspired talks by the world’s greatest thinkers and doers. Each speaker is given about 20 minutes to deliver their powerful message. View and listen great messages from Dan Gilbert about happiness, Seth Godin about marketing, Malcolm Gladwell, Bill Clinton and many more. To view and select from the list of speeches click here.
Continue Reading >>One of my other favorite sites for a quick reference is www.answers.com, which not only gives me the answer to most of my questions, but also the sound pronunciation, other languages and many other useful resources.
Continue Reading >>So you want to quickly learn about evolution, html or even the US constitution. Did you know that the answers to your curiosity questions or your research paper are just a few clicks away? One of the greatest inventions of the Internet is that of Wiki type technology. This technology creates web sites where anyone who has access to the web site may collaborate with others to create and develop content. The best such example is that of Wikipedia, which...
Continue Reading >>Peter Andrews with the IBM Advanced Business Institute talks about the following reference points for most organizations interested in innovation in his article Roles for innovation – The right people at the right time: 1. Idea/Insight. This is what gets documented in a brainstorming session. It is the first expression of new possibilities, either as a combination or a complete novelty. 2. Research. Here, the idea is actualized. The idea is checked for precedence, put into context, tested and explored...
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