Over the years, I’ve found tremendous fulfillment in helping my clients achieve their full potential as business owners, service providers, and thought leaders. Both in my own role as the leader of The Chad Barr Group, and as a coach and partner to clients across many different industries, I’ve always sought to answer the question:

What specific habits and strategies make us successful?

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In an effort to clarify how and why some entrepreneurs achieve great success–and others do not–my design team and I have collaborated for years to create visually stunning graphics that explain the components of success on the web. This unique book is a collection of our 10 most important, landmark Transformation Visuals® that can help you turbocharge your web presence.

These Transformation Visuals® are accompanied by expert insights and proven strategies that can power your own success, no matter where you’re currently at in your business. I hope the stunning graphics in this book bring you clarity about how you can forge past the obstacles that hold you back–and become a game–changing force in your field.


“Quite simple. Quite elegant. Quite Genius.”


Jared NicholsThe Jared Nichols Group
Get your copy of my latest new Transformation Visuals® book available now:

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About the author

Chad Barr is an Internet marketing strategist with over 30 years of experience transforming businesses through technology innovation. He helps his global clients leverage the web to dramatically transform their businesses. His firm, The Chad Barr Group, is recognized as one of the leading strategic Internet development organization in the world.