Million Dollar Web Presence – Chris Cooper Interviews Chad Barr

Hidden among the chaos and hype, there are secrets to success on the web. Globally renowned inter-net expert Chad Barr is joining me to reveal them – and show you how to use them to amplify your web presence and profits. Using the unmatched reach of the web, entrepreneurs are empowered to take a more tactical, brand-driven approach to attracting new clients and reinforcing the relationships with their current clientele—quickly raising the bar to produce better results for their brand...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 272 Make Your Mark Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 272

I thought Cleveland was on a roll with great weather; we had 4 consecutive days of sunshine and cold temps while waiting for spring. And spring finally arrived and brought winter with it…..again…… Another 8 inches of snow and grey skies cue me to look for inspiration on my business path. I wanted to share with you some quotes from truly exceptional leaders to spring you forward as well. Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s. “What do you need to start...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 271 Your Business Ultimate Stamp of Approval Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 271

Testimonials are the powerful social proof needed to convince interested clients of your credibility, track record of success, and insights as to how they too can achieve such results. They become your business ultimate stamp of approval. A client of mine just asked for my recommendations for testimonials best practices and here is my reply: The more testimonial you gain and have, the more you can use them on your site, newsletters, social media and such to gain credibility and...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 270 Spring Awakening Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 270

Let me be honest, Cleveland weather isn’t always easy to deal with. Every year whether the ground hog sees or doesn’t see his shadow, winter always returns with a few strong blasts and with it more snow piles. We have enjoyed a few beautiful warm days that raise one’s spirits and then next, grey skies and winds make a hasty replacement. So what? Why sweat it? Nothing lasts forever and we all know that if we had to deal with...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 269 Time to Reflect Again Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 269

From time to time I like to reflect on what’s happening in my life and business, recent conversations with clients, colleagues and friends and my key learning points. Here are today’s 10 reflection points: Happy clients become loyal clients and when they achieve success because of your contribution they become your viral spread and convince others to become your clients. Setting bold goals and priorities and then executing them one at a time is the key to reducing the feelings...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 267 13 Ways to Promote Your Podcasts Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 267

I recently received a question (which I get quite often) from one of my clients as to how to best promote the podcasts they create. Here are 13 ways to do so: Brand – Assign a unique and memorable name to your podcast channel with an associated design. Hosting Services – In order to increase your podcast exposure, post it or integrate with various hosting services such as iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Libsyn, and others. Blog – Post the...

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Thought Leadership and Creating Global Digital Empires with Chad Barr

Chad Barr, Founder and President of The Chad Barr Group, is an Internet marketing strategist with over 30 years of experience transforming businesses through technology innovation. Born and raised in Israel, Chad arrived in the United States at age 22, determined to capture the American dream. He founded his own technology company in 1987, and quickly became a globally sought-after software developer, mentor and strategist. The Chad Barr Group works with clients on multiple continents including the UK, Italy, Germany,...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 266 Create something you never imagined possible Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 266

In the past few weeks I published the profound lessons I have learned from some of the top thinkers who have had their impact on me and lead with great thoughts. I’ve been saying for years that “You can’t position yourself as an object of interest and a thought leader by constantly quoting others!” So today, I would like to share some of my own favorite quotes as I also encourage you to publish and share yours. Contact each of...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 265 Most Profound Life and Business Lessons Learned from My Clients Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 265

In the past couple of weeks, I dedicated my weekly newsletter to sharing the profound life and business lessons I have learned from some of the remarkable men and women thought leaders. Today, I am going to dedicate my newsletter to the insights gained from some of my amazing clients: Phil Symchych: Full speed ahead! Col. John Boggs: True courage is having the mental quality that recognizes the fear of danger or criticism but enables a person to proceed in...

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