Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
On this day, July 17, in 1955, Walt Disney’s dream became a reality when Disneyland opened its gates to its first wide eyed guests. The $17 million theme park was built on 160 acres of former orange groves in Anaheim, California, and soon brought in staggering profits. Today, Disneyland hosts more than 14 million visitors a year, who spend close to $3 billion. Walt Disney, born in Chicago in 1901, worked as a commercial artist before setting up a small...
Continue Reading >>With her siblings at summer camp, I had the pleasure this weekend of hanging out with my four-year-old granddaughter celebrating the 4th of July weekend. We had a wonderful time visiting Luvin Lavender farms, enjoying the beautiful surrounding, working on exciting art projects, as she even posed for brief moments to allow me to capture some images and showoff my photography. I was just asked what does the perfect morning look like for me. The first thought that crossed my...
Continue Reading >>July 2, 1776, congress passed a resolution of independence and legal separation from Great Britain. The declaration was signed on July, 4, 1776, the day which has become one of national celebration, picnicking, fairs and parades. In times of peace and times of war, our nation has come together to honor the original tenets and hopes of that original declaration. Today, I’d like to share the famous words of three of our past presidents. Whether you agree with their historic...
Continue Reading >>Since 2013, I’ve written my newsletter consistently, each Wednesday, which makes this issue #337. Over the years, I have created a large database of topic ideas for me to write about, yet before resorting to scanning my database for ideas, I prefer to reflect on the prior week and decide whether I can come up with an idea that is fresh, provocative and especially one that was shared or asked about by one of my clients. Earlier today, during a...
Continue Reading >>Last week, for the first time, I did not write and share my weekly newsletter. Wednesday, June 12, was mine and Laurel’s 40th wedding anniversary, and while no big celebration was planned due to her father’s illness and hospitalization, we also didn’t plan for his death that very afternoon. My father in-law was blessed with 95 years of good health, a clear mind and a love for his family. He was an avid and advanced bridge player and a poker...
Continue Reading >>One of the questions I am often asked is whether it’s time to upgrade or recreate our web presence. My definition of web presence is the confluence of your Strategy, Content and Marketing Initiatives. Here are the top 16 reasons to do so: Transform it to become a powerful manifestation of who you are and your successful virtual presentation. Rebrand your company and its messaging. Improve the way you are being discovered through search engines. Achieve greater impact and awareness....
Continue Reading >>I was a professional musician (I guess I still am) before taking on computers and the Internet as the main focus of my business career. I love listening, studying and playing different music genres. Yet, I often wonder what are the profound differences between talented musicians and those who just play and operate on a completely different level? And what does this article have to do with the business world? I believe it comes down to these 9 insights: Learn:...
Continue Reading >>I was browsing through a popular national publication when I noticed an article written about Creating Global Digital Empires®. This immediately caught my attention due to the fact that I own that trademark and the fact that the author who wrote this article interviewed me a year earlier on guess what topic? You guessed right! I picked up the phone, called up the author, who apologized for not knowing that this was trademarked by me. But what seemed even more...
Continue Reading >>Last week, in my article, Have You Uncovered Your Treasure Yet? I shared with you my top 10 insights that I reflected upon. Here are the top 10 for me and you to reflect on this week: Make sure your key initiatives towards your key goals take control of your time and energy and bring the right energy towards them. Don’t let your challenges define you but you need to define your challenges. Embrace these challenges and become a better...
Continue Reading >>I’ve been reviewing several of my journals and here are some of the insights that jumped at me: Reduce your labor intensity by eliminating insignificant tasks or those that don’t lead you to your goals, streamline and systematize your work, delegate work to others, and eliminate the junk in your life. To paint your future success, I suggest you identify what you want your life and business to look like and what exactly do you need to do to build...
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