Winning Business Lessons from Stephen Curry’s Olympic Greatness Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 604

Watching the Olympics is always inspiring, but this year, one moment stood out for me above all others: the U.S. basketball team’s gold medal game against France. The highlight? Stephen Curry’s breathtaking performance, particularly when he sank four three-pointers in the last two minutes, totaling 12 points. It was the kind of moment that has you jumping out of your seat in awe.

What makes Curry’s performance even more remarkable is knowing the relentless discipline behind it. He’s renowned for his rigorous practice routine, shooting between 500 to 1,000 shots every day. These sessions include a variety of shots—three-pointers, mid-range jumpers, and free throws—all of which he practices with the same precision and intensity.

Consider this: Curry began serious basketball training at the age of 10. Now, in his mid-30s, he’s been honing his craft for over 25 years. Assuming he practices 300 days a year, taking 500 shots a day, that totals around 150,000 shots a year. On the higher end, at 1,000 shots a day, that’s 300,000 shots annually. Over his career, Curry has likely taken between 3.75 million and 7.5 million practice shots.

This level of dedication is awe-inspiring, but it’s also instructive. Here’s what business leaders can learn from Curry’s approach:

  1. Consistency is Key: Curry’s success is a testament to the power of consistency. Whether in client outreach, content creation, or refining your marketing strategies, regular, disciplined action leads to significant results over time. Just like Curry’s countless practice shots, your daily business efforts accumulate into long-term success.
  2. Attention to Detail: Curry doesn’t just shoot; he perfects every aspect of his form, from foot placement to follow-through. In business, this attention to detail—whether in product development, customer service, or marketing—can give you a competitive edge. Mastering the small things can lead to big successes.
  3. Embrace a Growth Mindset: Curry never stops improving, despite being one of the best in the game. He sees challenges as opportunities to grow. In business, adopting a growth mindset allows you to view setbacks as learning experiences and opportunities for innovation. As Carol Dweck, a leading researcher on mindset, says, “Becoming is better than being.”
  4. Long-Term Commitment: Curry’s success didn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of decades of dedication and hard work. Similarly, building a successful business requires a long-term commitment to your vision. Stay patient and persistent, even when immediate results aren’t visible. Remember, success is a marathon, not a sprint.

Stephen Curry’s practice habits aren’t just about basketball—I find them to be a blueprint for success in any field. By adopting his discipline, attention to detail, growth mindset, and long-term commitment, we can all elevate our business to higher levels.

Reach out to help craft and develop your web presence, digital content and marketing strategy. Let’s shoot for success together!

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